Prof. Roger W. Lee (Judan – 10th degree black belt) is the co-founder of the Kenpo Arts Alliance. He started his martial training in 1969 consisting primarily of freestyle wrestling and Judo. His passion led him to the Tracy’s school of martial arts in Louisville KY, where he trained with Jim Stewart and Gary Avery until he reached instructor status in 1973.
Sensei Lee moved to southern California and studied Yoga and Tai Chi, while becoming heavily involved with hands-on studies, comparing and assimilating different martial art styles. He later returned to Louisville and reached a rank of 2nd degree black belt in 1979. He decided to take his skills to the ring as a professional kick boxer in the early 80s (PKA and WKA).
Early to mid ’80s (6 years) Sensei Lee practiced his Jiu-jitsu & Tai Chi combat applications as a bouncer. Also during the mid ’80s, the Prof. Lee established and ran the martial arts program, for the Jefferson County Adult Ed. (night school). The early to mid ’90s saw Master Lee return to school, to major in both business and management. The Professor currently provides private/semi-private instruction for a handful (core group) of experienced students.
Over the decades, this accomplished martial artist has attended numerous tournaments and seminars to openly demonstrate and share his vast knowledge with both colleagues and students alike. Sensei Lee’s seminars depict subtle-yet-effective defensive techniques, using short-focus strikes & torques to good effect.
Sensei Lee is an inductee and a charter member of the Kenpo International Hall of Fame since its inception in Chicago, IL on June 23rd, 2007. In August of 2011, Sensei Lee received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the world of self-defense. Inducted as a “Keeper of the Flame” in August of 2019.
Master Lee has also recently appeared in “The World’s Greatest Martial Artists Volume 26“.
Arts taught at Sensei Lee’s Kenpo Arts KY Dojo:
Kashido Kenpo – ‘Windstorm Way’ Self-Defense.
JKD / Kali – Eclectic Kung-Fu & Misc. Weapons.
Taijian / HMT – Kung-Fu & Holistic Motion Therapy.